sksurgeryeval.algorithms.algorithms module

Algorithms for the surgery evaluation application


Loads vtk models from a directory and returns a list of vtk actors, with mesh visualisation

Param:configuration, may contain a “map” key
Param:model_to_world: 4x4 matrix, of dtype float32
Returns:actors, None if no “map” key

Configures the tracking system. :param: A dictionary containing configuration data :return: The tracker object :raises: KeyError if no tracker entry in config


Converts a Numpy array to a vtk matrix :param: the number array, should be 4x4 :return: a vtk 4x4 matrix :raises: ValueError when matrix is not 4x4

sksurgeryeval.algorithms.algorithms.point_in_locator(point, point_locators, radius=1.0)[source]

Tests whether a point is within a set distance of any of a list of point locators.

  • point – the point to test, in 3D (x,y,z)
  • point_locators – a list of vtkPointLocators
  • radius – optional search radius in mm (default=1.0)
Return locator:

the index of the nearest point locator,

-1 if no locators within radius) :return distance: distance to nearest point_locator

Raises:delegates to vtk

Loads vtk models from a directory and returns a list of vtk actors and associated vtkPointLocators

Param:configuration, should contain a target value
Param:model_to_world: 4x4 matrix, of dtype float32
Raises:KeyError if target not in config

Create a list of targets